
Adios 2016! Bienvenido 2017!

We landed at the airport, or shall we rather say, a runway with a hut at the end. Most of the locals seem to forego any suitcases preferring to pack their belongings into cooler boxes of rigid plastic or simply just an old fruit box held together by duct tape. We were met by our … [Read more…]

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A gastronomic journey back in time

We were both looking forward to round off our time in Puerto Natales with the gorgeous pizza we had a few evenings ago at The Erratic Rock. Then came a knock on our door. The owner of our hostel as well as the restaurant across the road, Ancestros Patagonia, invited us to dine with them this evening. Dinner would … [Read more…]


Torres del Paine, Day 3

This morning I woke up with a massive swollen eye, thanks to what must be a monster mosquito that gave me eight massive bites all over my body – two on my eye! I looked terrible; this was not a good start to the day. Derek also complained about his back, hips and feet so … [Read more…]


Torres del Paine, Day 2

Given that we shared a dorm room with six other hikers, all on bunk beds, we had a relatively okay sleep. However, in the morning both Derek and I were counting and listing our injuries from the day before. This was going to be a long trek! After breakfast that consistent of bread, cheese and the … [Read more…]


Torres del Paine, Day 1

We were both looking forward to the trek. An early bus meant we had to gobble down a quick breakfast before stowing some (okay pretty much two thirds!) of our luggage at the hostel. The bus brought us to the park gate where, for an entrance fee of CLP21,000 we get to flog ourselves over … [Read more…]

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Finally in Santiago!

I really thought we had this travel thing down pat. Derek and I often travel long distance and, while it is never a delight, it is also never too straining. This journey was completely different and actually left me feeling pretty ill and completely exhausted. When we got to our hotel, Derek still wanted to … [Read more…]
